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Ms. Rhi is an accomplished, educated lady of class, and is an Associate Dean
of Students at Glenmont Academy. Her middle-age grace and manner
commands respect. Yet, she is known affectionately by the student body as
“Auntie Rhi,” because she really loves and cares about her students--
academically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. One of her major
functions is the Directress of Discipline. As such, she administers corporal
counseling Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays following Chapel Services.

All students, of whatever age and sex are subject to “corporal counseling,” as
stated in the academy guide. She always begins over her knee, usually with her
sturdy hairbrush or similarly sized paddle. In very serious cases that call for a
harsher punishment, she concludes with her 20” x 3” x 1/2” sorority paddle as
they bend over her desk or sofa back. Although modest attire is required for
both students and staff, there are some exceptions regarding sports or
recreational activities. Another exception provides that “in order to be effective,
corporal counseling may be administered directly to the unclothed, unprotected
buttocks.” Over time, Auntie Rhi has made it her practice to always give
spankings of either sex on the bare bottom. Most students are well behaved,
and no student has had to come back to visit with Auntie Rhi in her office
study more than twice. A conduct counseling session with Auntie Rhi is always
long remembered and quite effective in correcting misbehavior. Although short
in stature, she has a wholesome, hardy physique that enables her to put a lot of
force to the point of impact. Generally, Mrs. Montgomery, the academy nurse,
witnesses and monitors the administration of corporal correction to safeguard
from injury in excess of mere severe bruising. In addition, members of the
Board of Visitors or the recipient’s parents may be present.

Tim, a senior, has never had to face Auntie Rhi—until now. A generally well-
liked, intelligent, and well-behaved young man, Tim is facing expulsion three
months from graduation for “gross transgression.” The misconduct report that
Ms. Rhi has reviewed is that during chapel services, Tim was in the pew beside
Robyn Renee Radcliff. Robyn, the daughter of Reverend Byron and Rebecca-
Sue Radcliff, is also intelligent and had a spotless record of good conduct. As
all were kneeling and singing a hymn, Robyn’s high soprano voice became
more noticeable to those around her. It then reached a crescendo level of a
shrieking series of screams. Faculty members Sandy Belten, Denise Williams,
and Carl Crozier rushed to investigate whether Robyn’s screams were due to a
medical emergency or a spiritual fulfillment. What they discovered was
fulfillment, but not exactly the spiritual kind. It appeared that Tim had slipped
his hand up inside of the back of Robyn’s skirt while both were kneeling.
Slipping aside the back of Robyn’s thong, Tim had been massaging Robyn’s
clitoris with a finger of his right hand, while simultaneously probing and
massaging her tight, sensitive, anal aperture.

This gross transgression would call for expulsion and dash any plans for
college. The Board of Visitors, by a single vote, granted a motion commutation
with a stipulation. In lieu of expulsion, both Tim and Robyn were to receive
“vigorous and severe corporal counseling.” Ms. Rhi assured the Board off the
record that in spite of their spotless records until now, she intended to
administer the most severe paddlings she ever had to give to these two
miscreants who had desecrated the chapel. As both were fit athletes, Robyn a
gymnast and basketball player, and Tim a wrestler and track runner, their firm
and well-developed backsides were quite capable of absorbing harsh spankings.
Ms. Rhi also was aware that both sets of religiously conservative parents
actively practiced corporal discipline in their respective homes, so this would
not be the first time that either of them had fires set in their back-40s.

Robyn and Tim were to receive “joint counseling.”  Ms. Rhi would administer
their harsh and vigorous spankings during the same meeting and they would be
witnessing one another’s respective punishments. Robyn’s mother, Rebecca-
Sue would be present, as would Mrs. Montgomery. Unexpectedly, Board of
Visitors Members Sandi Williams, Beverly Bachman, and Dr. Owen Eubanks
arrived. Although supportive of “corporal counseling,” they had voted for the
more serious sanction of expulsion. These members they made it known that
they were there to ensure that Ms. Rhi was not going to relent and lighten up
as she administered the punishments. Tim’s parents were serving as
missionaries overseas, but had given approval for this arrangement via the
modern wonder of internet email, and had named Mrs. Radcliff as their proxy.

Ms. Rhi had situated her office in such a way that accommodated witnesses
effectively. Mrs. Montgomery actually stood in direct view of the miscreant’s
bottom— approximately 5 feet and to the side at an oblique angle. Tim or
Robyn would stand in the far corner, facing outward toward their partner’s in
crime bottoms. Approximately 5 feet behind Mrs. Montgomery, but in direct
line of sight, on a two foot elevated platform, Ms. Rhi had placed an oversized,
antique, oval mirror. She had cleverly angled it in such a way that the other
witnesses sat at the opposite side of the office study, at the coffee table, upon
which a large, old, well-used Bible was displayed, and could thus
simultaneously observe the subject’s face directly, and the business going on at
the other end reflected in the mirror. Out of the background at a low volume
was streaming over the computer the strains of a Southern Gospel playlist.

Robyn’s violation was two-fold. She had violated the dress code by wearing a
thong instead of the more modesty required briefs, and then the major
violation of sexual contact with Tim. Therefore, her “Royal Purple” spanking
would consist of two phases. Phase one would be an over the knee spanking of
vigorous 300 smacks with a heavy wooden hairbrush. Phase two would be 100
hard swats with the sorority paddle.

Auntie Rhi sat at a sturdy armless Queen Anne style chair near the middle of
her office study. Behind her, and slightly to its immediate right was a small
circular end stand of several items. Beckoning with her finger to a contrite,
downcast, and demur Robyn, Auntie Rhi had her remove her shoes to prevent
them from flying off in the event of leg kicking. Then she directed and guided
Robyn over her lap. After rolling up the back of Robyn’s black woolen skirt,
Auntie Rhi picked up three safety pins from the adjacent end stand and pinned
the skirt back in place at waist level. Hooking her thumbs beneath the waist
band of Robyn’s now modest white panties, Auntie Rhi rolled them down to
the knocks of Robyn’s knees, exposing her bare, athletic, yet somewhat amply
rounded bottom to all present. As a prelude to what was to become a change in
color to those creamy white nether cheeks, the witnesses seated at the coffee
table couldn’t help but notice the contrasting red blushing of embarrassment in
Robyn’s face next to the white high neckline of her lace trimmed blouse.

Reaching over to the end stand a second time, Auntie Rhi picked up the
dreaded hair brush, and sharply brought it down on Robyn’s unprotected
bottom, causing her to gasp. By the time fifteen had been delivered, Robyn
had already started sobbing and imploring for mercy. Auntie Rhi responded,
“We haven’t even really begun, Robyn.”

Halfway through Phase one, Robyn’s bottom was the shade of a McDonald’s
Restaurant sign. At its conclusion, it resembled a novel version of the crimson
tide. At that time, Auntie Rhi stood Robyn up, told her to leave her skirt
pinned up and panties at half mast as she changed places with Tim for his first
phase. As Robyn walked stiffly to the corner, displaying her nearly purple bare
bottom to the room, Tim expressed his sorrow to Robyn for having caused her
to be in her terribly painful and humiliating state.  

Removing his shoes as directed, Tim walked over and stood to the right of
Auntie Rhi, facing the witnesses seated at the coffee table. Apologetic, he told
Auntie Rhi that he realized he deserved to be punished, but somehow hoped
that she might temper this punishment with some mercy. She responded, “Tim,
I really hate to have to do this, but I have a duty to make sure that you
understand what you did is totally unacceptable. As much as I don’t want to, I
have a duty to the other students of this institution, the people who oversee this
institution, and the parents and supporters of those who fund us.”
Unfastening the belt and button of his trousers, Auntie Rhi lowered them,
directed Tim to step out of them and kick them to the side, remarking, “Tim, I
don’t think you’ll be needing your trousers for a while.” After doing so, she
directed and Tim over the lap that Robyn had ridden for the preceding five
minutes. After going over Auntie Rhi’s lap, Auntie Rhi guided him further
forward, as he was not in proper position, but rather too much off to the right
side of her thigh. After Tim’s bottom was in proper position, directly atop her
right thigh, he felt Auntie Rhi’s thumbs in the ten minutes to two positions
under the waist band of his shorts, at which time felt them lowered to half-
mast. Mrs. Montgomery made mental note of Tim’s rather well developed
gluteal muscles, thinking, ‘He must have work out a great deal, but today,
those glutes are going to get a different kind of workout.”  After, assuring he
was in proper position, Auntie Rhi placed her left foot a bit forward, thus
lowering her left thigh and elevating and arching Tims’s bottom even further,
until she could see the anus in his gluteal canyon.

Brush in hand, Auntie Rhi began her second vivid color scheme of the day on
the canvas looking up at her. By her 20th smack, Tim was beginning to feel
noticeable discomfort of the increasing intensity of Auntie Rhi’s hairbrush.
Alternating cheeks, she would occasionally deliver a resounding smack to the
lower midpoint where both sit spots meet. Delivering the smacks in flurries of
ten to twenty, Auntie Rhi would pause, in order for her and Mrs. Montgomery
to and evaluate and examine the situation. Each time she looked at her, Mrs.
Montgomery responded with a slight nod of approval to continue.
By the time they had reached 50, Tim was loudly crying out, and promising
irreproachable conduct in the future. He caught Mrs. Radcliff’s eye, and saw a
smile, almost a smirk, of satisfaction of witnessing his situation. As Auntie Rhi
continued with the heavy hairbrush, Tim’s bottom began to feel like a furnace.
Finally, phase one was over, and Auntie Rhi helped him up, pulled the front of
his shorts up, but leaving his sore bottom exposed, pointed to the corner. As he
walked over, Robyn was grimacing at what she had witnessed.

From a side cabinet, Auntie Rhi produced a darkly stained sorority paddle,
approximately 20”x 3”x 1/2.”  Directing Robyn to a nearby upholstered arm
chair, she had her stand behind it and bend forward, over the back. After
adjusting the “witness mirror,” Auntie Rhi stood to Robyn’s left, with her left
foot just slightly forward of Robyn’s. In such position, the paddle’s arc would
properly impact both cheeks simultaneously, precluding the necessity of
alternating cheeks as was the case with the OTK smaller hairbrush technique.
Skirt still pinned, and panties now having worked their way down to Robyn’s
ankles, her nether cheeks were a glowing crimson.

Auntie Rhi touched Robyn’s bottom with the paddle and made three light taps
to gauge the distance and location, then, swinging like tennis serve, she
delivered the first swat that sounded like a sharp crack. Immediately, Robyn
broke down and began sobbing. Auntie Rhi, wanting to get through this ordeal
as well, kept up the pace, bringing the paddle across and just north of the
gluteal fold to mid bottom time after time. Most of the swats impacted both
cheeks simultaneously as normally intended with this large paddle,  but
occasionally, as a change of pace and to discourage anticipation, Auntie Rhi
would give one cheek a break while devoting attention to the other. By the time
50 swats were delivered, both of Robyn’s buttocks had turned from crimson to
a purplish charcoal gray. Mrs. Montgomery, after several moments hesitation,
gave to sign to Auntie Rhi to proceed further.

Tim implored Auntie Rhi to stop, and offered to take Robyn’s remaining 50
swats, in addition to his own. Traditionally conservative as she might be,
Auntie Rhi’s Southern brand of feminism, otherwise known as being a “Steel
Magnolia,” was not about to permit Robyn to “girl out” from her just deserts.
“No Tim, you’re not going to Tom Sawyer Robyn’s way out of what she has
to have,” as she brought swat number 51 across the high center mid point of
Robyn’s bottom. By now, Robyn was whimpering and broken. Wanting it to
end as well, Auntie Rhi delivered the remaining swats as rapidly as possible, at
the end of which Robyn had dubious distinction of the woman with the most
swollen, sorest, and purplish bottom that day in all of Alabama. Although
Robyn had been no spanking virgin, having received the hairbrush over
Rebecca-Sue’s knee three to four times a year growing up, and as recently as
three weeks ago, this was truly the spanking of her life.

At the conclusion of Robyn’s spanking, Ms. Rain told her, “Now Robyn, I
want you to promise us that you will never again let a man enter you unless
and until it would be your husband.”

Because Tim was the initiator of the incident, Auntie Rhi determined that he
was even more culpable than Robyn had been. As such, he would undergo the
same two phases as had his partner in crime, only perhaps more so. He would
receive the Auntie Rhi “Triple B” for (Black, Blue, and Blistered).

As Auntie Rhi had directed, Tim bent over the back of the upholstered chair
and grasped the arms for support and at some attempt to diffuse to imminent
pain he was to feel surging through his buttocks as Auntie Rhi’s paddle came
calling. As further directed, he placed his feet in a pigeon-toed stance. This
would prevent him from clenching his gluteal muscles, and thus allow greater
absorption of the energy brought by the paddle. Because he was the initiator,
Auntie Rhi announced that Tim would receive, not 100, as Robyn had, but
200. She further announced that in her communication with Tim’s parents,
they had told her to paddle Tim as if he were her own son who had
embarrassed the family with such misconduct, and leave nothing to spare. For
the first 100 swats, Auntie Rhi produced a 14’x 2-1/2”x3/8” smaller version of
the sorority paddle used on Robyn. During this phase, Tim felt it to be a
stepped up version of the OTK session with the hairbrush. Auntie Rhi used the
alternate cheek pattern, and although painful, was well within his endurance.
Auntie Rhi, for her part, was using this phase to achieve equal cheek balance,
the mark of an expert spanker.

Finally, it was time for Tim’s third phase. Back came the sorority paddle. Just
as Tim was believing that the spanking wasn’t going so badly, the first swat
from Auntie Rhi’s sorority paddle across the gluteal fold sent tongues of flames
through his muscular buttocks.‘Oh my,’ he thought, ‘how can I ever get
through the next 99 without losing it in front of all these people? If I cause
Mrs. Montgomery to stop this, after Robyn took all of her’s, I’ll look like a real
wimp. I’ll just have to grit and bear it.’ Well, maybe just grit, because I’ve
already bared it. Yeah Tim you always do try to find the humor in everything,
don’t you?’ At some point, Tim thought he heard Robyn imploring, “Please
stop.” Nevertheless, Auntie Rhi relentlessly sent her paddle into Tim’s bottom
time and time again until it had endured the 100th swat. He was crying out and
promising to live the life of a saint forever. He would be reminded of his
promise, as he sat gently on a very tender scarlet bottom for quite a few days
to come.

After Auntie Rhi put down her paddle, she had Tim drink from a glass of ice
water, as he fought back tears. Placing her hands on Tim’s shoulders, Auntie
Rhi looked though his misty eyes and said, “It’s over, Tim. You’ve atoned for
your transgression. You have no idea how much I hated to have to do this.
Please don’t ever make me have to do this, again. But my promise to you is
that I will if I you ever cause me to have to. Now, I want you to promise me
that you’ll never, ever, touch a young woman in the manner you did to Robyn
unless and until that young woman is your wife. Tim nodded in the affirmative
as a tear ran down his face.

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